Modernizing your IAM stack this year?  There is still time!

Historically, IAM architecture is the last to modernize within a company. Front end, API versions, legacy data stores, etc… Everything changes before the identity authentication and authorizationWhen companies host their own IAM infrastructure it typically involves many different teams dealing with topics like know your customer (KYC), registration, app and network admins, DB admins, Helpdesk, and the list goes on… 
Over the last few years many early adopters have already migrated to leading IDaaS Providers, allowing them to just manage the users and policies rather than the entire IAM stack (CRM/HR, Legacy DBs, App/Data stores, homegrown attestation and provisioning systems, etc.). This allows them to focus on their sweet spot (which is NEVER identity) of providing their customers with things like the lowest fares, latest retail blitz or the best widgets! 
If you have been in the war room during these huge, multi-national identity cutovers then you can attest to the huge decrease of required internal teams before and after migration to their preferred identity as a service (IDaaS). It’s a feeling that keeps the technical folks coming back and the CapEx savings that keep CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, Procurement teams happy. 
Here at Trevonix we are happy to be advising CIAM and Workforce projects at any stage of the strategic program, no matter how many failed attempts there have been previously. Our team of experts take the time to understand what the end goal is, and then we can help drive successful business outcomes, QUICKLY! 

We understand every project is a unique snowflake and this is what allows us as trusted advisors to bring any vendor into a proposed solution. We know who the best is in the entire stack (IAM/IGA/SIEM/SOAR, etc.) and can bring in these platform vendors when it makes sense.

What makes Trevonix different? Not only do we have expertise with cutting edge technologies in Identity space – API, A/MFA, CAEP, OIDC, IGA, SoD, OAuth, SAML, SCIM and more, but we implant certified resources on your project from inception to completion, acting as an extension of your technical team on daily/weekly calls and meetings. Providing bi-weekly and monthly updates in a manner only available to the largest strategic customers until now.

So, is there still time to get your Identity project done in 2023? I’ve seen successful 50 million account cutovers within 6 months, it just depends on the level of internal buy and business priorities. Drop us a note at or call +1-443-465-0242, so we can set up a quick discovery call to see how we can help solve your business challenges.

