FreeRadius authentication with LDAP (OpenDJ)


  • freeRadius Software (Version 3.0.21)

  • OpenDJ (Version 6.5.3)

  • Mac – Linux Environment


  • freeRadius

  1. Installed through Brew
  2. # brew install freeradius-server
  • OpenDJ

  1. Download the latest OpendJ from Forgerock backstage and Install it by running the setup command.
  2. Please make a note of port, password for Directory Manager and BaseDN 


  • freeRadius

  • freeRadius files to be modified

clients.conf (/usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf)

  • we will be using client as localhost and hence ensure

ipaddr = is uncommented and note the client secret

  • Configuring your Default site for LDAP Authentication

Following are the two important directories for managing sites

  • ‘sites-available’ (/usr/local/Cellar/freeradius-server/3.0.21/etc/raddb/sites-available)- List of different sites supported by freeRadius. We will be using ‘Default’ for our usecase
  • ‘sites-enabled’ (/usr/local/Cellar/freeradius-server/3.0.21/etc/raddb/sites-enabled) – list of sites enabled on your freeRadius engine.
  • vi the default site. The following section needs to be checked/modified.


 In this section, make sure the mschap option is not commented out. mschap protocol will be used in authentication requests from LDAP user accounts.


Enable LDAP Authentication. Uncomment the ldap lines as shown int he following figure

Enabling LDAP module

Followign are the two important directories for managing modules 

‘mods-available’ (/usr/local/Cellar/freeradius-server/3.0.21/etc/raddb/mods-available)- List of available modules supported by freeRadius

‘mods-enabled’ (/usr/local/Cellar/freeradius-server/3.0.21/etc/raddb/mods-enabled) – list of modules enabled on your freeRadius engine.

you will find ldap in ‘mods-available’. Create a softlink in ‘mods-enabled’ directory

#ln -s ../mods-available/ldap ldap

There are following two things to be modified in ldap module. 

vi ldap

1. Update the ldap file with LDAP details as in the following screenshot

2. Update the file to map the NT password attribute as in the following screenshot . We will be enabling samba plugin in OpenDJ to support NTPassword.


Samba, the Windows interoperability suite for Linux and UNIX, stores accounts because UNIX and Windows password storage management is not interoperable.

When you store Samba accounts in OpenDJ, Samba stores its own attributes as defined in the Samba schema. Samba does not use the LDAP standard userPassword attribute to store users’ Samba passwords.

1. Create or choose an account for the Samba Administrator:

Create samba.ldif

dn: uid=samba-admin,ou=people,ou=identities

cn: Samba Administrator

givenName: Samba


objectClass: person

objectClass: inetOrgPerson

objectClass: organizationalPerson

objectClass: top

sn: Administrator

uid: samba-admin

userPassword: xxxxx


#opendj/bin/ldapmodify -h localhost –port ‘389’ –trustAll –bindDN “cn=Directory Manager” –bindPassword ‘xxxxx’ samba.ldif


2.  Ensure the Samba Administrator can reset user passwords:

Create samba-rights.ldif

dn: uid=samba-admin,ou=people,ou=identities

changetype: modify

add: ds-privilege-name

ds-privilege-name: password-reset


dn: ou=people,ou=identities

changetype: modify

add: aci

aci: (target=”ldap:///ou=people,ou=identities”) (targetattr =”*”)(version 3.0; acl “

 Samba Admin user rights”; allow(all) groupdn =”ldap:///uid=samba-user,ou=people,ou=identities”;)

#opendj/bin/ldapmodify -h localhost –port ‘389’ –trustAll –bindDN “cn=Directory Manager” –bindPassword ‘xxxxx’ samba-rights.ldif


3.  Set Up the Samba Password Plugin – Enable Plugin

# ./dsconfig \

 create-plugin \

 –port 4444 \

 –hostname localhost \

 –bindDN “cn=Directory Manager” \

 –bindPassword xxxxxx \

 –plugin-name “Samba Password Synchronisation” \

 –type samba-password \

 –set enabled:true \

 –set pwd-sync-policy:sync-nt-password \

 –set \

 samba-administrator-dn:”uid=samba-admin,ou=people,ou=identities” \

 –trustAll \



4. Install a LDAP Browser. I have used Apache LDAP Browser.

Add ‘sambaSamAccount’ object class to an exiting user to be used for testing.

It will prompt for a sambaSID. Add any identifier.


Add following two attributes to the user



Sample User

Add the password in plaintext as expected.


efore you start tests, ensure freeRadius is running in debug mode so that you can see the logs in full

#radiusd -X

Should show ‘Ready to process requests’. If you see some error then it needs to be resolved as we changed quite a few files in the process.

There are following two ways of testing it.

1. Command Prompt: 

Format: radtest -t mschap %user_name% %user_password% localhost 1812 %nas_password%


Command used for testing

#radtest -t mschap username password localhost 1812 testingxxxx

2. Through Python

You will need Python with Radius module (#sudo easy_install install py-radius)

#python -m radius

Host [default: ‘radius’]: localhost

Port [default: 1812]: 1812

Enter RADIUS Secret: testingxxx

Enter your username: username

Enter your password: password


Raghul Chandrasekar

Raghul Chandrasekar

To help build a company along with passionate and driven people is one of the most satisfying things and I got the opportunity to do that at Trevonix.